It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

a school day

This is how the day goes at Malakeya.

The matrons (dadet) clean the school outside...

...and they clean the school inside.

Peter's new office, all clean, with the carefully chosen rugs.

Teachers arrive, many with their own children.

Teachers sign in.                                                           Meanwhile, the buses and kids arrive in droves.

Inside each room, classes begin while hall matrons on every level monitor all comings and goings.

During free periods Meredith gets Arabic lessons from a colleague...

... and the real perk, a Turkish coffee delivered to the staff room!



  1. Hi Meredith and Peter! How exciting this is - I love your blog and will put it on my blog roll for sure.
    Meredith - I am filling out the dreaded Standing Offer and would like to put you as a reference (WorkTown). Do you have an email where you are that I can put down? You can email me at mobudgeATnsDOTsympaticoDOTca

    I now must go and make myself a turkish coffee. Oh I wish!
    Jan (hit my name below to go to one of my blogs!
    Jan Morrison

  2. Hi you two. Same request from me -- you will not likely be 'called' but I would like to have you standing by, after all those years of work, as a reference. If you don't want to stand by, I understand completely -- let me know and I'll contact Lynn and Peter.

    I love the blog. Happily I just finished a reasonably good coffee. I toast your move and your work!

  3. PS -- would make my life easier as I'm not so tuned in on line as you, my dear. Thanks, and hope you're having fun learning Arabic, how wonderful!
